Friday, March 27, 2020

Loving yourself and accepting yourself fully, always.

Not abandoning yourself at this time of crisis and making your own needs a priority will set you up for a good mental space from which you can lead others out of their misery.

I spoke to a friend last night who wasn't in her best shape mentally nor physically. Have I traveled back to Czechia to stay in quarantine with a family who never quite understood me, I would get depressed in minutes. It is only human! 
Because I had looked after myself first and stayed put in Thailand, I could now be of assistance to those who didn't have any choice and who, unlike my fam, want my help. 
You've seen the memes - 2020 might trigger PTSD in a few years and how we choose to think, feel and act these days is crucial for discovering personal lessons and lessening the potential future trauma. Let the Earth heal itself, and focus on you now.
With all this time on our hands, we can finally learn to manage our emotions properly.

Dive deep into your sadness, grief, loneliness...
Become selfish for a while. You’re in isolation anyway and can’t even hug a stranger...
So hug yourself... see what’s up, what have you been missing out on when running around so busy, perhaps pleasing other people before you pleased yourself... so stop for now.

Rest assured that this is God’s plan.

The Shamanic healing course that I'm undergoing in Koh Phangan is triggering me too, of course, new people, my sensitive soul family, at my face, seeing right through me, and still so close to my heart.
I'm feeling past hurts, disappointments, fears and even anger.
Here I am ... finally, finally truly healing.
At this time of crisis, I am throwing away my shield and shedding my armor.
Letting go needs to feel like letting in.

Ask yourself: What do I want to dis-create and start creating instead?
The themes of those past 2 weeks for many folks including myself were:
Love, connection 
Believing in abundance
Accepting all my emotions
Taking my power back
Trusting myself
Having an unconditionally positive regard
Being grounded
Feeling all my emotions fully
Being proud of myself
Not judging myself - total reparenting of myself
Feeling lovable and fully accepted by myself

Do not give a fuck about what other people think. Full-stop.
Damn, do not give a fuck about what you think about yourself. It’s most likely coming out of outdated beliefs about yourself and the world...
Love yourself fiercely...
Watch the whole world change...

Abandoning the biological family for a while is sometimes necessary in order to not abandon yourself... you’re off to find what really works for you and what gifts you have to give to the world - what’s more important than that?

Follow your heart...
You’ll see miracles unfold.
Love yourself, right now, even more than ever before.

Release the karma... stomp a new pathway for the generations to come.

Loving yourself and accepting yourself fully are the most essential attitudes from which you can create a good life for yourself and others too.
You are limitless.

There is always help, abundance, love, friendship, good luck, good food, good health, and good stuff especially if you ask for it and then let yourself receive it.

I’m staring at the ocean surrounding Koh Phangan and I know that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
Reach out to me if you need spiritual support and positive encouragement to start living your life even in the small space of your bedroom. That's where it can all begin.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Saying goodbye to casual sex

What a day!
Do you also get a hard slap from the Universe when you're about to sabotage yourself? Well, I do.

I'll take you further
I'll take you further down tonight
I'll take you further

Sings Rufus du Sol in 'Say a Prayer For me...'
And so my mind took me further... further along the downward spiral of grief, despair, all the rejection and abandonment yuckiness... I was crying, shaking, pitying myself and I haven't stopped until I ceased judging these emotions as yucky and bad. I turned them into welcomed guests, as messengers signalling that what has once poisoned me was ready to be let go off. No need to project my childhood wounds onto others in my adult life.
Suddenly, I accepted the grief, the rejection, even the feeling of utter unlovability... just as my Shaman says: "Welcome them joyfully." 
Is there a better way to embody joy than during a dance? I doubt so. I cranked up the music and danced with my sorrow joyfully. How does one do that? Well, you simply begin, let the shit rain, greet it with joy! Your old emotions won't wait, the body will follow.

Don't say you don't want me
'Cause I'm too caught up on it
Don't think that I'm leaving
'Cause I won't give it up again

- Rufus du Sol 'Rendezvous'

That meltdown and insane dance rendezvous with my feelings happened during the lunch-break in the privacy of my bungalow.
I came back to the 'classroom' relieved. I spent the rest of our workshop in meditative stillness.
Come the evening, we disperse to find some dinner...
Normally, I don't eat if we finish late, I just crash on the bed. However, depleted of old emotions which I was so accustomed to, I was in need of filling the void. This time, food wouldn't do.
(Hey, a major change in behavior doesn't happen overnight!)
A hot guy who had shown some interest previously but nothing happened, invited me for dinner.

My inner child leaped with joy, I wasn't being rejected on this occasion! Well, depends on how one interprets it...
After dinner, clutching him on the scooter on the way to his, we get hit by a motorbike.
Loud and clear... 

Help me out before I die
Save me now before I give up
Help me out before I drown

- Rufus du Sol 'Underwater'

At that moment, it was all about his "fucked" pinky-toe. Not once he has asked me if I was OK.
I tensed up and pulled my right calf muscle as the bike brushed passed us on the right side... and yes, that was all that happened to the naked eye during that incident. 
The drunk Thai guy hits us full speed despite our indicating of a right turn. I have no idea how my date kept the bike upright during the next few seconds which seemed like my whole life. At once, we were falling to the left, then to the right, next aiming at the tree in front of us and finally, the motor stopped. I opened my eyes to the Thai guy waiting, ready to fight. "Wanna fuck with me?"
My driver was so furious ready to join in and truly fuck that guy.
I begged him to please just let it be and go. The drunk grabbed his bike to follow us, still shouting: "You wanna fuck with me?!"

Take me away across the ocean
Out in the horizon the night is falling
Outside in the golden air
Washed out and no one's there
She said I'll need you there sometime
Rufus du Sol 'Take me'

We got home unharmed, other than his toe and my pulled muscle. Oh, and the overall emotional trauma that shook me to the core. 
I felt sorry for what happened. 
But I felt even more sorry to learn that my driver thought it was my fault. That because I urged him to drive slow, the Thai guy run into us.
We both had to agree that the Universe knocks loud and clear when all previous gentle signs get dismissed. 
Perhaps it was time to stop treating all my predicaments with casual sex.
Above all, the accident has shown me that how my chosen partner in crime reacts at times of distress is very important, too.
Given the fact that we both came to Koh Phangan to heal and learn to heal, what became clear to both of us in the next few moments was that nothing good gets built on the wound. Casual sex was not the right type of medicine for neither of us.

I haven't seen him since, but I hope that we can remain friends - even though he would have killed me off just to be himself and drive as fast as he pleases.
Gosh, look at the boys I am willing to sleep with! They don't even care about my safety.

Dear Universe, thank you.
To say that I was selling myself cheap throughout those years would be a massive understatement.
I forgive myself, and I forgive all the men who came here to test me, too...

Friday, March 20, 2020

How to stay calm amidst the panic, fear, and isolation

How to stay calm amidst the panic, fear, and isolation?
Two words: Call me!
Against all odds, I found myself on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand, doing a Shamanic healing course - Body Electronics, and I appreciate more than ever before how the Universe always guides me and helps me. It probably guides and helps you, too but - do you listen?? And how do you listen? Do you act on the subtle or not so subtle nudges?

About one month ago, before the airports closed, I had absolutely no idea how I would pull this trip off.
Singapore continued being kind to me, but something was missing... Maybe it was my spiritual tribe. 
I heard about the healing course from a friend of mine who knows me very well and I was instantly attracted to it... I felt mystically drawn to take a trip to Thailand. Except, I was stuck in Singapore with 0 savings money.
I could still afford my flight to Bangkok... so I started with that small step, hoping the Universe would catch up. In fact, I knew it would.
Fast forward 1 month, I am finishing the first week of this 3-week long Shamanic course, and we all know the global situation - cities have gone into lockdown and the number of infected people by COVID-19 is rising. So I am stuck here.
Of course, I'm terrified!

When I was the only one out of all of my closest ones who was in possible danger while traveling in Bali and Singapore, mixing with people from all over the world, not wearing a mask (just washing hands as I normally do - all the time), and generally being quite relaxed (or reckless) about the whole virus thing, little did I know back in January that three months later my mother's village in the middle of nowhere in the Czech Republic would get affected too. They have no cases so far, but because the number of Corona cases in the capital city is rising, the whole country shut down.
Just like the rest of the world.

This is not to brag about how fortunate I am to have been able to escape before all this madness - however, I am a damn lucky girl - this is to say that even though I listened to my inner guidance and put myself to isolation on a magical island, I am still with you. 
My heart goes out to all Europe, to my friends and family and even
to those whom I don't know elsewhere who suffer in one way or another. Losing a job because of the global pandemic must be a frickin disaster. This post is also to share the fear... losing a human being to a terrible flu must be beyond imaginably painful.
When my grandmother got admitted to the hospital earlier this week, I froze. I couldn't sleep for a couple of days before I received some good news.
It is all fine now.
Well, at least somewhat.

Now I understand that wearing a mask and undergoing a voluntary quarantine is a good idea. You cannot be sure if you haven't contracted the virus yourself, perhaps not showing any symptoms, until you pass it onto the people with a weakened immune system.
We are all responsible to stay healthy and keep others, mostly the elderly and children, protected.

If you are feeling down and could use some support, do not hesitate to reach out.
I have some time to speak between 8am-10am, 4pm-5pm and after 9pm Asia time. I will gladly hear you out and help you navigate fears, feelings of separation, anxiety and other concerns as a human being - free of charge.
Otherwise, life coaching business open as usual.



Monday, March 9, 2020

What we can learn from unrequited love (masculine/feminine dynamics)

I'm sitting in Starbucks near Pandan Valley, my new village in Singapore after the East Coast, and I'm well aware of my hostility towards the unrealized masculine potential in the many men I have come to meet in the last few years. Admittedly, that displeasure reflects my own unrealized femininity as of lately. 

A little background info on the masculine-feminine dynamics in our world.
Singapore brings out the best in me and undoubtedly, in many locals in the sense of productivity, unshakeable confidence, organized action and stamina to work and achieve. Those are rather masculine qualities in terms of energy and polarity. However, I know that in my core I am a feminine heterosexual woman who likes to relax, play and receive. It means little with regards to how I need to show up in life as a complete human being. 
We need to use both feminine and masculine energy to function as the healthiest versions of ourselves. 
Too much of either is not helpful.

The feminine island of Bali (everyone who's ever set a foot in there will tell you that the island holds a certain Mother Gaia magic!) overwhelmed me. I procrastinated, played more than I executed and in the end, it drove me to mild lostness and self-sabotage. That's the feminine at her most dangerous. 
On the contrary, the masculine at his most harmful tends to abuse its power outward. So when men and women feel in control and on top of things, we may emotionally manipulate or destroy everything around us. At our masculine best, we use the power to take aligned actions to build something practical for the benefit of all involved. 

What makes up the essence of a man and the essence of a woman is, of course, not as simple as doing vs. being, thinking vs. feeling and letting yourself to give or receive.

But let's look at the ultimate results.

Using mostly my focused masculine energy recently, out of all of the hard-working men from this peninsula, I attracted only pussies.
There. No censoring.
Apparently, when I'm cemented in my masculine, I pull in drama-queens.
I wish that a piece of Bali's magic would fly in and help me nestle in my feminine polarity yet again. 
I've fallen for Iwe one year ago in Bali for a reason - masculine men like that don't come to my life often. In hindsight, it happens whenever I surrender and play... I can think of 3 masculine men and I'm still stuck on the last one, Iwe. 
Feminine men who are very emotionally needy, unstable and unhelpful as partners add no value to my life. To any woman's life to be frank!
However, these men seem clueless and turn to drama when faced with rejection.

Hey, unrequited affection sucks.
I know that very, very well...
Be it, love, passion, friendship or any sentiment...
It tastes like the lamest bowl of soup you could ever be served after all day of looking forward to it...

I have compassion I really do.
But you can't start drama... especially not as early as 3 dates in, come on...

Drama-queens, men with too much feminine energy, blame you for things that have nothing to do with you, make you feel bad about who you are, and make scenes pretty early on, after assuming that 1 or 2 dates means a friendship at a minimum if not a romance.

If you have to ask someone if they're you're friend, something's wrong. 
I can't recall a time when I would need to ask my acquaintances for reassurance that they became my friends.
Are you a friend I could rely on, please...?
And I cannot think of a reason that would make me question my real friends whether they were friends... connections either evolve into friendships or not. Asking someone if you have a friend in them is... a bit odd. It's most likely not your friend if you need to confirm or make them convince you!
Weird, weird, weird...
I won't pretend I am an angel. 
As a sexually liberated woman, I would possibly sleep with a drama-queen - ONCE. Because at first, you don't have any idea what will happen in the peanut head of his. If only I knew... 
The correct answer to an A4 drunken text is either: "You got it all wrong..." or: "Ya, you are right."
Neither would make any difference.
Though I will not reply anything as I'd repeat myself.

At first, rejection hurts because we don't want to believe it. 
Rejected people cannot comprehend, deep down they know they're such adorable personalities. The Freudian 'id' thinks it's perfect.
On the one hand, these people are right. On the other hand, their actions are far from adorable.
I believe that the childish 'id' could be the main motive behind not giving up on the pursuit of their desire even though the person is clearly not interested.

I don't think I could make assumptions about someone's requited feelings ever again because it got me precisely where I'm at now with Iwe. And it's bitter-sweet. 
Last night I went over our entire message thread, wasn't that long after all, and could clearly see that it has always been very one-sided. But it's not the end of the world.

At second glance, something else happens- 
The hurt prompts us to reach out to the 'id' in search of unquestionable lovability. 
"How could I get abandoned? I'm so lovable!" adamantly shouts the ID.

If you otherwise lack a profound sense of self-love, when else than at times like these shall we acknowledge that it's our birthright to be worthy of love, that we deserve it like nothing else? 

As I come to experience it myself, rejection may trigger the recognition of our own worth.

While I was reading Iwe's correspondence, I understood that the lesson in attracting incompatible partners was finally over. The deservingness of reciprocated love is my birthright that I should remember even outside of a pseudo-romantic crisis. 
Perhaps the guy that I do not wish to see again will come to understand this, too.

If you want a healthy and balanced relationship, ask yourself: Where have you not been true to your essence of a woman/man, where do you sabotage yourself by the wrong actions (working too much, indulging too much, not stepping into your power, not allowing yourself to give or receive), and then see how you could turn that around.

Tonight, I'm gonna be a woman of leisure, switch off my phone, chill in front of Netflix and get a pedicure tomorrow. For 16 hours not pleasing anyone else but myself.

From :
"The id is the impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to basic urges, needs, and desires. The personality of the newborn child is all id and only later does it develop an ego and super-ego. 

The id remains infantile in its function throughout a person's life and does not change with time or experience, as it is not in touch with the external world. The id is not affected by reality, logic or the everyday world, as it operates within the unconscious part of the mind.

The id operates on the pleasure principle (Freud, 1920) which is the idea that every wishful impulse should be satisfied immediately, regardless of the consequences. When the id achieves its demands, we experience pleasure when it is denied we experience ‘unpleasure’ or tension." 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Why falling is good for you

If you think that the Universe keeps testing us, you're right, it probably does. That's how we learn who we are and who we want to become.
I have developed an allegory... It goes like this:

Regarding major decisions and pursuits of goals, we assume that what's happening is us standing near the edge of a cliff, staring into the emptiness, fearing to take a giant leap and land on the other side... I would often say that I take one step forward and 10 steps back... yet, how I came to see it today was a revelation! 
We never take steps backward, we can only take them forward, they're just clumsy enough so we fall, fall down into the emptiness. However, we're still in the forward motion, moving towards our goals with the tools we had and now recognizing that these mechanisms don't work anymore.
You fell, but you haven't failed.

If you're like me, you most likely wallow in the pit for a bit, analyze everything and curse some more - but then you climb back up, and guess what, if you're keen, you climb up the other side - the other mountain than the one where you had been standing before. Because from the pit you get a nice survey of where you've been, where you're at, and where you're going next. The top of the hill was overwhelming, from the bottom you can see it all more clearly. We're never as stuck as we think. 

To affirm that we can't take the leap, it's safer to hover over the emptiness, contemplating the jump, or actually move further away from our intent can't be true for as long as life goes on. 
Every experience, good or bad, pushes us towards the other side (quite literally). If you're just as curious what lies on the other side without dying first, take another step, and another, until you fall... it's ok, I promise you!
Mistakes are inevitable. 
The real fun begins after you climb back up the other end - and, hold and behold, see that there is another fuckin' crater there. Another edge of a mountain calling on to you to jump ahead to get across to the other peak and face another pit there.
It will never stop.
Still, we never go backward.
If you fall, dust off and climb up the other side. Stay strong.

That's not to suggest that life is all about crossing mountains and jumping over dark abysses...
but it sure does feel like that at some point in human life.
Sometimes, it's a peaceful walk through a Balinese paradise... and sometimes it's not. Perhaps your comfort zone sneakily dressed up as tranquility. Please, do not create drama just to see what lies beyond your comfort zone, no. But if the tranquility starts to seem false, or your heart feels unfulfilled, take a leap of faith.
You'll always move forward.
Now, if you're still wallowing in the abyss, it's time to get up!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Alcohol, altered states of consciousness and the body

To drink or not to drink?

Please stick with this post even if you are abstinent.

I recall that I started drinking when I was 15...
Phew, I know what you're thinking: So late???
Well, in the Czech Republic we give Becherovka to children way before they reach their teens. 

Mum: "Oh, you've got a stomach ache? Here, have some medicine."
Becherovka might have 10 different herbal extracts (I don't know), but it still has 38% of alcohol (confirmed).
Does it help to kill some bugs? Maybe.
My 10-year-old self: "Mum, I feel so heavy after this beef and bread-dumplings covered in cream..." 
Ok, here's a little of Gambrinus (popular Czech beer).
Does it help with digestion? Maybe. 

Once I reached 15, I decided that enough was of Becherovka on a spoon, shots of beer and stealing sips of wine during family celebrations. I wanted to get high on vodka and rum. 
My first blackout happened when I turned 17. The two years prior to that I was just test-driving. Always the black sheep of the family, alcohol and parties were my mental and physical escape.

I don't wish that type of alcohol-soaked adolescence to anyone. 
I used to drink so much it makes me nauseous now.
At 25, I took a gap year because I realized that my drinking got out of hand. I knew that if I wouldn't get sober, I'd never finish my Bachelor studies, in fact, I'd possibly commit suicide. 
So I traveled to Asia, as all the crazy people do... It did save my life and I've never been the same since.

Frankly, the drinking didn't stop altogether, but the severity became mild in comparison. My body has always been sensitive and I could never handle as much alcohol as my peers.
Luckily, studying fairly sober throughout the final 1, 5 years of the Bachelor program, I would nail the state exam.

Then comes a heartbreak at 28, a lot of other transitions, and self-medicating with wine proceeded.
Settling in Australia, hard spirits were out, red wine was in. A lot of red wine...

In 2018, I don't extend my visa, I find myself in the Czech Republic again, and a dark cloud sets above my shoulders... Where is the wine bottle???!!!!

People come and go during my next Asian adventures and I alternate weeks of total sobriety and yoga with days of hedonism and late nights bar-hopping...

At 31, I notice that 3 glasses of wine seems my elegant maximum before I act ghastly. By 32, I start passing out after 2 drinks. 
Nearing my 33rd birthday, I hold enough experience to adhere to one bottle of beer maximum once per week. I guess I'm headed to total abstinence!
It's important for me to stay focused on my mental health. I know that too much alcohol triggers panic attacks in me and in overall, long-term over-consumption contributes to depression - in everyone.

Alcohol is common. People from different walks of life shape their own approach to drinking based on their individual experiences and body-sensitivity. Alcohol has been a part of western culture and of some Asian cultures too for years. Apparently, Korea is quite famous for drinking! Living in Singapore, I can confirm that the locals like to drink here, too.

Final thoughts: 
I have no doubt that we don't need alcohol at all. 
It's not the same as water that sustains and hydrates us.
It's not the same as food - protein, vitamins and minerals - that is crucial for our wellbeing.
But it is still there, as a social lubricant, as a fermented beverage that puts the cap on your overthinking and creates ways to test our resilience. 
Crimes were committed from alcohol-induced crazy minds, and crimes were done from absolutely sober reasoning, too...
Alcohol has neutral energy.
You know very well that if you wanted to stay in your private calm bubble and avoid all the drinkers, you'd never leave your house and have no friends.
I'm not suggesting to give in to a peer-pressure, no-no! I'm just saying that being tea-total does not make you 'better than -'.

Across centuries you hear of nations using various hallucinogenic plants, DMT and other substances to create altered states of consciousness. Do we need to do that in order to access different realms?
A spiritual person or not, a substance does not necessarily help you attune to your higher self - and - wait for it, staying abstinent won't guarantee that you'll ever get there either. Not painlessly for sure.

Admittedly, I had some incredible revelations on Ayahuasca and also on alcohol... I recognize that wine or beer in just the right amount (a tiny one) helps me relax, turns off the monkey mind and even negative inner voices.
However, it may also switch off the voices of the spirit. My guides and angels always talk to me, and they can console me whenever I call on to them, even when I'm tipsy. But initially, when I reach for a drink, I demonstrate to them that this time I want to rely solely on my own power. 
I display a message to the Universe that would read like this: Yeah, I know that I could meditate instead, take a long walk, breathe or make love to someone... but, not right now.

In my opinion, it is important to pick up a drink, anything, with the right energy behind the action. Rather than drowning your anxiety stress, or anger with your juice, celebrate.  
Know that you are an autonomous human being but if you'd like just a small amount of help from the spirit, it is always available to you. 
Good news, the same goes for when you're drunk... you just need to ask and allow.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How healthy is 'blind love' for the heart?

There’s no doubt that exercise uplifts the spirit and heals the body... but who in their sane mind wants to go to the gym and limp out of breath through a body combat class at 9 pm? 
But we still do it. 

Indeed, exercise helps us to shift the focus off emotional work, while still being a heart-healthy activity. 

It makes the world stop spinning so fast if our body does the spinning instead. For a while, time stops.

An evening workout wasn't the best idea, but I skipped my morning class and my guilt-ridden soul wouldn’t find peace until I promised her to make up for it later. At 10 pm I couldn't look more red, soaked in sweat, barely standing, but still alive, along with the 20 other people.

We don't need rigorous exercise to heal and feel great. 

We can spend time with loved ones or attend to our hearts alone in silence which is also healthy.
Oftentimes, practices like yoga and meditation yield steadier and long-term results. As we pay attention to our breathing, we can question: Who am I? What do I want? Who am I without all these people constantly surrounding me, at work, at school, in the gym, in public transport, in shops and even at home...?
The heart knows. It will keep telling you to align with your highest, noblest and purest beliefs. Those views will be about love, service, and connection. Your truth will have different shapes than the truth of others. The highest truth for some might be: we're only meant to eat fruit, find one person to love or subscribe to Christianity. But to me, it's the same truth as advocating eating animals, becoming polyamorous or not believing in any religion as an expression of loyalty to the 'Universal truth'.
I don't want to get into the details today!

What I want to ask today is - giving the fact, that we all can agree on one thing: We need love, give love, receive love, and feel love -
Is blind love healthy for the heart?
Isn't the broken heart the worst human condition?

We can mend the flu, fix the broken leg, beat stress by daily yoga or achieve massive physical strength by body-building. But what do we do when the heart breaks?

I highly recommend the Netflix show: Love is Blind
I've never been a fan of reality TV shows, but something kept me coming back for more regarding Love is Blind.
Maybe because deep down I know that love is blind - no matter what the media or other people's lives portray. But does that make it real

Surely, the protagonists were expressing feelings for one another in just as little as 2 days. There were 'I love yous' flying around on the screen and I thought... Oh my God, it is possible to fall for an idea about a human being based on merely a few hours long conversations! It means it's not just me, the hopeless romantic.
If that short time-frame doesn't show evidence of love being blind, then I don't know what does.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the most important detail. The "I love you" was announced through a solid non-see-through wall, directed towards a person they've never ever seen before.

Five engagements happened as a result of this experiment on the screen.
Two married couples walked out with feelings and lust for one another.
Only one seemed blind to me.

And not in a good way. 
In this instance, when I say blind, I mean - not genuine.
The declared wedlock felt, in my opinion, very one-sided, but who am I (single, never-married, childless, a serial heart-breaker) to judge?! 😉
If love is blind, then even that union will go on for some time until they kill each other.
On the other hand, if the opposite of 'blind' is 'real' or 'reasonable', then the last issued union seemed pretty real and reasonable. 
In other words, if Lauren ended up saying 'no', I'd fuck true love!

The other three unrealized weddings were, you guessed it, a disaster. 
If you get your heart broken somewhere, anywhere, whenever, you don't feel as humiliated as if it happens on the screen in front of millions of viewers. But hey, the audience couldn't care less about your embarrassment. We've seen through the breakers way before you did. We've also seen your blindness and we feel for you!

So, do we want love to be blind??? 

The good news is that all the three people who got stood up at the altar can always travel to Asia and do their own private Eat, Pray, Love...
Regarding broken hearts, we must be patient.
Real food is medicine, praying and meditation centers us back in the heart, and love for oneself and the divine will bring the right soulmate at the right time.

I believe that and I can see that. Because I'm no longer blind...