Friday, March 27, 2020

Loving yourself and accepting yourself fully, always.

Not abandoning yourself at this time of crisis and making your own needs a priority will set you up for a good mental space from which you can lead others out of their misery.

I spoke to a friend last night who wasn't in her best shape mentally nor physically. Have I traveled back to Czechia to stay in quarantine with a family who never quite understood me, I would get depressed in minutes. It is only human! 
Because I had looked after myself first and stayed put in Thailand, I could now be of assistance to those who didn't have any choice and who, unlike my fam, want my help. 
You've seen the memes - 2020 might trigger PTSD in a few years and how we choose to think, feel and act these days is crucial for discovering personal lessons and lessening the potential future trauma. Let the Earth heal itself, and focus on you now.
With all this time on our hands, we can finally learn to manage our emotions properly.

Dive deep into your sadness, grief, loneliness...
Become selfish for a while. You’re in isolation anyway and can’t even hug a stranger...
So hug yourself... see what’s up, what have you been missing out on when running around so busy, perhaps pleasing other people before you pleased yourself... so stop for now.

Rest assured that this is God’s plan.

The Shamanic healing course that I'm undergoing in Koh Phangan is triggering me too, of course, new people, my sensitive soul family, at my face, seeing right through me, and still so close to my heart.
I'm feeling past hurts, disappointments, fears and even anger.
Here I am ... finally, finally truly healing.
At this time of crisis, I am throwing away my shield and shedding my armor.
Letting go needs to feel like letting in.

Ask yourself: What do I want to dis-create and start creating instead?
The themes of those past 2 weeks for many folks including myself were:
Love, connection 
Believing in abundance
Accepting all my emotions
Taking my power back
Trusting myself
Having an unconditionally positive regard
Being grounded
Feeling all my emotions fully
Being proud of myself
Not judging myself - total reparenting of myself
Feeling lovable and fully accepted by myself

Do not give a fuck about what other people think. Full-stop.
Damn, do not give a fuck about what you think about yourself. It’s most likely coming out of outdated beliefs about yourself and the world...
Love yourself fiercely...
Watch the whole world change...

Abandoning the biological family for a while is sometimes necessary in order to not abandon yourself... you’re off to find what really works for you and what gifts you have to give to the world - what’s more important than that?

Follow your heart...
You’ll see miracles unfold.
Love yourself, right now, even more than ever before.

Release the karma... stomp a new pathway for the generations to come.

Loving yourself and accepting yourself fully are the most essential attitudes from which you can create a good life for yourself and others too.
You are limitless.

There is always help, abundance, love, friendship, good luck, good food, good health, and good stuff especially if you ask for it and then let yourself receive it.

I’m staring at the ocean surrounding Koh Phangan and I know that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.
Reach out to me if you need spiritual support and positive encouragement to start living your life even in the small space of your bedroom. That's where it can all begin.

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