Monday, April 13, 2020

How to stay true to yourself

Particularly at this unusual time...
It takes a little self-discipline initially, but once you get in the rhythm it's surprisingly natural and can be quite fun to act like no pandemic or the end of the world is befalling right now. 
Mind you - this is not a 101 for becoming superhuman or a proposal to change yourself inside out and revamp your life in the next few weeks - especially not if you've never dabbled in transformation before; this post is not going to urge you to come out of this COVID-19 situation all-new, stronger, better, prettier, smarter, richer or in a relationship!

This is to inspire you to use your time with an awareness of how precious these months could be if you adopt a hopeful perspective. This is the perfect moment to discover who you really are, stripped of all past labels, experiences, statuses, and social life. You may explore what you really, really want when there is no one around to set the tone of your mood and tell you what you need and should want. 

As for me, I am becoming the one. The soulmate lover I always wanted to have.
I am living as if I was in a committed relationship with my mirror.
My guy out there is not watching Netflix for hours every night (just shortly), he considers this time as an extra-long Vipassana retreat where he can learn more about himself, he goes inward for introspection, he meditates before he busies himself with frivolities, he consoles himself before he seeks consolation from his friends or family, he sees through his bullshit and plans a different course of action, he is grateful for every day he wakes up healthy and hopeful, he waits calmly and patiently for the storm to pass, he keeps himself fit as he would have outside of the quarantine, he sits with his feelings before he reaches for alcohol to help him manage them a bit faster, my guy out there knows that this downtime is an opportunity to visualize healing, love and the great life to come which will be lived more consciously and with extra gratitude than ever before. 
He makes it a point that he is not on any dating app. He is online to learn, discover, create and help others in need.
Yes, that is me. 

I am staying true to myself and not resorting to any desperate measures. Pandemic or not, I am still alive, knowing this too shall pass and I am grateful for all the support I have received throughout my entire life from the souls I've met and from the Universe. It won't be any other way once this is over. I want to get ready to shine brighter as a result of ditching the ways that were bringing me down.
I know I will come out of this better as a side effect.
Anyone can - if we discover who we really are and stay true to that image.
Make no compromises, go after what you want with the confidence that you deserve it, and love, health, success, and abundance are for you.

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