Thursday, October 29, 2020

A typical Ubudian be like...

Recently, I watched a video called: My impression of a typical Ubudian...

It was hilarious.

Yes, I recognized many people that I've come across in Ubud, Bali! And some of my non-Bali friends said they recognized me, which I thought was a little mean 👿

While the video clip was amusing, it was obviously a little exaggerated. We're not all like that, definitely not, God help.

So, let me set the record straight.

There are two types of women and two types of men who frequent this spiritual place. Of course, you get the odd ones out and also absolute exceptions - like curious tourists and families with kids. But those who live there or consider themselves regular visitors, boy, can they be easily spotted!

The first type is women who are little nuts, maybe self-proclaimed spirit junkies, want to heal their inner child and get re-acquainted with their inner lover - generally, not interested in a physical lover - just yet. Their Ubudian experience is all about healing and coming back to themselves. It may involve yoga, meditation, and dance - but it's not a must.

The other type is women who read/watched Eat, Pray Love one too many times and they're there to heal their burnout or depression using whatever modality they can. While they're running from a workshop to a workshop, they also hope to find a big love across the street, just like Elizabeth Gilbert did. However, this combo is impossible. After all, even Liz in the movie went on a many months-long silent retreat to India first. You simply won't find 'the one' until you heal and become at peace. Otherwise, you'll be meeting another broken soul, your mirror. That may, nevertheless, be a part of the healing journey too.

With guys, it's simple. You've got the needy ones, those who know very well that Ubud is 70% females, there'll be ecstatic dances, tantric workshops etc. Of course, these guys are happy to share their vulnerabilities in the opening circle if it means that they could rub all over you during a tantric contact dance that follows. I couldn't believe I was being ground on and I even paid for it! For the entrance fee. These guys are a nuisance and won't add much value to your life.

Then you've got those who, as we say back home, ate the wisdom of the entire Universe. The Universe says we ought to be all raw foodists, walk barefoot and have shaved off hair or never cut it off. They know the truth. God spoke to them. Probably during a mushroom trip or other psychedelics. They never wash, because come on, washing is water wastage and for people dependent on more than they need. Additionally, cosmetics are full of toxins - never use it. Brush your teeth with siwak - a tree stick, and don't use any toothpaste, deodorant, soap, or shampoo, unless you made it from corn starch and baking soda yourself. If you eventually venture out among the other hippies, make sure you look at them as if you see right through them, and don't forget to part by saying that someone's projecting and need to seriously work on themselves.

Just my private thoughts...

Cheers to stereotyping!

I can't figure out how to post the clip, but check out @_.kobrin on Instagram.

My humble profile is here: @pavlinalioness

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