Monday, July 25, 2022

I’m writing

 25.7.2022 - the day I started writing my book. 1 day before my 35th birthday. And I’ll stick with it one day at the time.

I sat down and wrote precisely 444 words, the spirit knows how much I love angel numbers. It probably took me about 30 minutes, and it’s not perfect, but the essential idea is there. I can’t believe it. My mind is racing with stories. The outline finally came together clear as a day, and I’m sure it’s going to evolve as I go along.

What inspired the sitting down and writing? A lovely meeting with a kind soul who took notes as I spoke! Over a glass of champagne, we talked about life lessons despite the fact that we met just a few days before. It was so nice to see someone being impacted by what I said that they actually jotted down some of my on-the-spot-thought-of quotes. What an ego boost!

Yes, I can be quite a charming talker… what a great idea to get over my imposter syndrome plus other self-imposed limitations and just write! Just do it.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

I'll be back... full on.

I will start writing again, I must. It's my superpower and my personal therapy.

I have so much to write about. Luckily, I have been taking mental and physical notes too!

I think I found my mojo again, in England out of all places. Not having the time to do many creative things, but it was to be exprected from having a new start, or rather, starting over in an old-new place that is pretty intense, as London can be.

I wanna do everything, write, but make money out of it, coach, and make money out of it, dance, and also make a lot of money out of it, and even babysit kids and help the elderly have a more comfortable life.  That I'm already getting paid for. In an ideal life, I do that while having my freedom and privacy as well. I'm kind of all over the place rigth now. Maybe I'm compensating by shopping a lot. But I'm pleased to announce that the worst part of the overwhelm is finally over now.

I'm setting up, if you wanna create a free account, write down @pavlinaf as a referral, thank you.

Meanwhile, psyche yourself up for my next uncensored post! ;)