Sunday, June 27, 2021

You must wake up, stare the truth boldly in the eye, and rise to stop this charade

I spent a lovely couple of days at my bestie's father-in-law's farm in Derbyshire. I looked after her son Michael, played with some animals and rested in the beautiful countryside. And got smashed-drunk both nights. Yep, not so enlightened of me! But damn, it was such a necessary evil. Even the hangover was worth it.

Well, I had all the best intentions not to drink the second night. However, my friend's annoying friend, let's call her Stacia, joined the party. You know I'm always so compassionate and empathic and do my best to keep my cool-loving attitude? Well, this time around I was mumbling into my wine glass all kinds of words. That's why I couldn't keep it away from my mouth! Otherwise, I'd start to argue... and there is just no point when the other person is a twat.

Guys, this is a PLANDEMIC! We are still amidst the charade of this disaster, a criminal thing that doesn't make any sense anymore (if it ever did) and they (whoever they is) are SHAMELESS about it!

If I stop wondering how come people didn't see that already 1 year ago, I can no longer tolerate that people aren't awake by now. 1,5 years ago I didn't look too much into it. Like the majority, I was scared. But I still wasn't about to believe everything I'd be told without using my discernment, own intuition, and some common sense. Meeting T. (Chris) last year was a blessing. He added a lot more info that, although hard to believe back then, I resonated with that much more than with the BBC, CNN and other bullshit media. I already knew that masks don't protect us, washing hands is common sense, and now, according to my new source (let's call him Jake), I do believe that we can't even "catch" viruses! They're already in our bodies and will, or will not, get triggered by traumatic events in our lives. I caught "covid" after the traumatic breakup. I could not bear being alone in this plandemic, in the winter and in a country where I didn't/don't belong.

Anyway, moving on...

My friends's friend couldn't shut up about the vaccine and how that's gonna salvage us. Constantly praising it, what a brilliant idea so we could all resume our lives... "Come guys, we all gotta do it..." I kept quiet. Well, mumbling into my wine... What an annoying twat. Should I really listen to health advice from a woman who says she's 36 but looks like 45?

I'm sorry, but enough was of my meekness.

I had to finish the bottle and make some excuses about being tired and just got to bed. I'm sure that my friends enlightened her about my stance later. Well, E. and her husband totally accept me with all my quirks and whatnot, and I accept theirs. I accept that they both got the vaccine. I accept the pressure they felt they were under. It's work, it's family, it's protecting their children... all sound like perfect and noble reasons to go ahead and do something to redeem the world...

But the said solution, this experimental vaccine, is, unfortunately, not gonna give them what they want. And what they really want are health and freedom.

I am more expressive about this on my IG. Come and follow - @pavlinalioness

#pandemic #plandemic #novaxx

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