Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The sofa warrior... yes or no?

There is no virtue in suffering.... not sure who said that first, but it for sure wasn't Joan of Arc. 
In fact, no warrior of the past could have said that... Fighting was virtuous, yet it certainly meant suffering.

Right now we all suffer. Whether we're going along with the narrative, and watch how this v8rus overtook our lives, or we sit put, not comply but lament at the world from our couch, or we embrace the above saying and think that if we escape the first world madness and move to a freer developing country we won't suffer anymore. We do and we will until the world unites and we strive for freedom together. Better freedom than ever before. The freedom to live sovereign, gather, travel, work at any job, and not feel afraid for our children to roam the streets at night. 

There are many, many unvaxxed people in the UK alone sitting put... thinking that this is how we fight this battle against the 'invisible' enemy... Yes, this is a war that started so inconspicuously, cunningly, using technology and emotional blackmailing...People who have not been following any conspiracies don't know what's next and can't possibly point a finger in the right direction, none of us can anyway, that's my opinion. 
Some of the more optimistic conspiracy theorists believe that there are 'good guys' out there, said to be the military, who have been fighting this battle for us in the background. They go as far as saying that at the moment what we see in the media is just a pantomime, that there were executions of the 'bad guys' a long time ago, and now the focus is to uncover the pedophile rings, and we're nearly there. The media apparently plays it along until the end for the sheeple so they wake up...

While that sounds very nice, if you ask me, the idea of some good guys fighting this battle for us in the background, getting rid of all evil, pedophilia, corruption, and global dishonesty is honestly pretty great!
I agree that sometimes there are no visible miracles, there is certainly not a visible God, yet good energy exists, and the potential for goodness is immeasurable. I don't wanna be the type who's adamant about "I'll believe it when I see it." I rather resonate with Wayne Dyer's philosophy: "You'll see it when you believe it."
So I'm proposing to not completely dismiss this fairytale idea of war nearly won (whether you've been quietly sitting on your butt at home or out there fighting with your spoken word, or with machine guns, somehow the madness came to a halt)... it is a nice idea after all. 

Realistically, we do not have all the information. There are too many conflicting sources. Even people on 'my side' of the story, in short - this is a global agenda for depopulation, have different theories on how this has been panning out. Some believe that the notion of the military executing all bad guys and fighting for us so we may soon enter a biblical world... is well, too good to be true. Perhaps it leaked into the public for a reason to make us all more complacent. Stay put. Stay complaining from the sofa, not fighting this battle by creating our own heaven on earth - now. Not waiting for Jesus or the military saviors to save us, but living now.

My move to Mexico still makes sense. Yes, I miss home in his arms, and I miss my sister laughing at my sarcastic jokes across the table... But I firmly believe that we'll meet again.
The world will unite, with or without finally seeing who and what, or finger-pointing at this momentarily-invisible enemy.
But we have to come together, there's no doubt. No matter where in the world you are right now - fight for your freedom - to live, to gather, open a business, speak freely, and travel as if you'd want to embrace the whole world. Fight with your word and your non-compliance. That's what my heart has been whispering to me. Why wait for some elusive good guys and a biblical ending?  We all could be examples of freedom, good health that's preventing diseases, and loving collaboration. Now.

Yet, at this point, I don't know which idea sounds more naive.

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