Friday, April 1, 2022

Aries New Moon comes with more clarity about WHO WE ARE.

This is a brief update on my mental health, lol. It's been an interesting week and I'm grateful. I'm feeling amazing now... super clear on who I am, what I need, and what I wanna do in life. I'm decided to sabotage myself nomore, no more deliberate retraumatizing.

I'm surrounded by wonderful friends, masterminds, and so much magical energy right now.

It's the new moon in Aries. This is what you can work with now:

By Dawn M. Harrison:

This month’s New Moon in Aries marks the “beginning of beginnings”. As the first New Moon that follows the Spring Equinox, it heralds a time of soulful kindling and conscious emergence, as we wake to those parts of ourselves that are finding their way to the light.

To be born.
To be taken seriously.
To be given a chance.
To be seen.
To be heard.
To be held.
And, yes… to be loved.

It’s time to face our fears head on and give voice to that thing called desire.

If there’s any part of you that was taught that your desires are not worthy, are not valid, or have no place in your world, then this New Moon invites you to unlearn that conditioning and burn those barriers down.
Full article:

Don't let the external ups and downs influence your inner Terrain for too long. Learn, accept the lessons, and move on to what feels right for you.

I am light.

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