Wednesday, February 12, 2020

When sexual attraction gets overwhelming, shall we run the other way?

This is a reaction to recent events in one of my friend's and my own life, deriving from an article I have read about 3 years ago, titled: 
Is It Possible to Be Too Sexually Attracted to Someone?

Three years ago I was madly in love with someone called J.
Was it love?
He was tall, hunky, cheeky face, beautiful doe eyes, and what a kisser, oh my god! 
Sure, it was the extreme chemistry and immediate (!) sexual attraction that kept me hooked - literally, the first time I saw him I knew I was in trouble - but there was one more thing that stuck me to him like glue. It wasn't just the masculine pecs that caught me each time I hug him (he was that tall), it wasn't the fact that we did something naughty, I think that I liked that I didn't like me enough to look for something better.

Don't get me wrong, J. was a great guy, at least in comparison with some other guys I dated. There was the chemistry, but also the understanding, the tenderness in his speaking and listening skills, there were the nights out and the incredible sex.
It had a catch 22, of course.
He was married.
Not happily, but I'll leave out the details for now.
I knew that before I let him in, admittedly, something in the old me still loved attracting drama. I wrote about unwittingly attracting drama in my previous secret blog :Here

This twin flame felt super addictive. When I wasn't with him I was obsessed with the thoughts of being with him and devouring all his body at once. Exactly as they're describing in the above article.
Yes, he was unavailable - and that is usually part of the game.
We get so sexually attached because we know we can't have the person in any other way. The connection is so consuming because it is founded on sex. Sexual energy is the most powerful energy out there but it doesn't have magical powers to fulfill us.
Unavailable people will not be there when you need them, nor when you just wanna chill in your worse mood or worse PJ set.
It's probably the slight drama you perpetuate that keeps you hooked. 
All in all, there are way healthier connections out there to be made, if you only give them a chance...

Last year, I started an exciting affair with a younger man just because he charmed me that day. Maybe not so much my type at first, but I paid attention to other stuff, and he nailed it.
Moreover, there were no signs of dangerous emotional unavailability (even though he was probably not ready to make it something long-term, or I wasn't). Overall, I was happy to move through my intimacy fears and actually hook up with someone single, available, no-bullshit and full of integrity. In the end, he surprised me as an excellent lover, too.
You see, you never know if you can create chemistry with someone who doesn't overwhelm you right away until you give them a chance. Life shouldn't be so simple as seeing a hottie and imagining that they're also nice, kind, straight with you and will be there when you need emotional support.
I don't want to settle for hotness without perspective ever again.
Do yourself a favor, treat yourself with respect and only then you can recognize when the right man shows up.

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